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Schlagwort: Torture

Magic in the Fuellmich case

On the 38th day of the trial against civil rights activist Dr Reiner Füllmich, the legal madness took its course. We witnessed a prison justifying its torture and a court sabotaging the defence of the persecuted man. The need for explanations allows the prison to conjure up untruths and the court to trickily conjure up loan agreements. The cheap tricks pave the way for slander and the desired conviction.


And every day, groundhog day

The 37th day of the trial of civil rights activist Dr. Reiner Füllmich, under the direction of Judge Carsten Schindler at the Göttingen District Court, once again proved that in these dark days, no public prosecutor is needed to ensure the legal prosecution of a dissident. A mixture of evidence-obstructing jurisprudence and misanthropy characterizes the proceedings, which have kept Dr. Reiner Füllmich in pre-trial detention for over a year and in isolation torture for months.

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