Rezos Klima-Propaganda zerlegt
Dr. Sebastian Lünings bestes Video zur Klima-Ideologie als Teil des westlichen Untergangs- und Reset-Narrativs. Experten-Klartext vom Feinsten. Anlass war ein Beitrag des Politbloggers Yannick Frickenschmidt, der sich Rezo nennt. Aber das eigentliche Thema ist die erfundene Klimakrise als Werkzeug zur Deformation der Gesellschaft. In diesem Beitrag beweist Sebastian Lüning, dass er nicht nur Wissenschaftler ist. Scharfsinnig und humorvoll.
Dieses Video präsentiert einen schonungslosen Faktencheck des Clips “Zerstörung Teil 2: Klima-Katastrophe” (September 2021). Dabei wird schnell klar, dass Yannick Frickenschmidt („Künstlername“: Rezo) ein ideologisierender Webkünstler und kein Wissenschaftler ist.
Die Analyse durch den Klimaexperten Dr. Sebastian Lüning offenbart schwerwiegende Argumentationsschwächen und eine lückenhafte Kenntnis der relevanten Fachliteratur bei Frickenschmidt. Sollte sich jeder anschauen, der im Thema Nummer 1, dem Klimawandel, mitreden will.
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► Buchempfehlung: „Unerwünschte Wahrheiten: Was Sie über den Klimawandel wissen sollten“, https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/3784…
Über Sebastian Lüning: http://www.luening.info/#werde
Schriften und Arbeiten von Sebastian Lüning:
Artikel in Fachzeitschriften
Ronan Connolly, W. Soon, M. Connolly, S. Baliunas, J. Berglund, C. J. Butler, R. G. Cionco, A. G. Elias, V. M. Fedorov, H. Harde, G. W. Henry, D. V. Hoyt, O. Humlum, D. R. Legates, S. Lüning, N. Scafetta, J.-E. Solheim, L. Szarka, H. van Loon, V. M. Velasco Herrera, R. C. Willson, H. Yan, W. Zhang (2021): How much has the Sun influenced Northern Hemisphere temperature trends? An ongoing debate. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 21, 131. doi: 10.1088/1674-4527/21/6/131
H.-J. Lüdecke, G. Müller-Plath, M. G. Wallace, S. Lüning (2021): Decadal and multidecadal natural variability of African rainfall. Journal of Hydrology – Regional Studies, 34, doi: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2021.100795
Lüning, S. (2020): Electrical Energy Storage: Unlocking the full Potential of Renewable Energies. Energy Journal, 2, 203-218, https://ispg.org/pdfs/ISPG15_web.pdf
Perez, L., C. Crisci, S. Lüning, M. Michaelovitch de Mahiques, F. García-Rodríguez (2020): Last millennium intensification of decadal and interannual river discharge cycles into the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean increases shelf productivity. Global and Planetary Change 103367. doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103367
Garcia-Rodriguez, F., C. Piccini, D. Carrizo, L. Sánchez-Garcia, L. Pérez, C. Crisci, A. B. Oaquim, H. Evangelista, A. Soutullo, A. Azcune, S. Lüning (2020): Centennial glacier retreat increases sedimentation and eutrophication in Subantarctic periglacial lakes: A study case of Lake Uruguay. Science of The Total Environment.
H.-J. Lüdecke, R. Cina, H.-J. Dammschneider, S. Lüning (2020): Decadal and multidecadal natural variability in European temperature. J. Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2020.105294
Lüning, S., M. Gałka, F. García-Rodríguez, F. Vahrenholt (2020): The Medieval Climate Anomaly in Oceania. Environmental Reviews, 28 (1): 45-54, doi: 10.1139/er-2019-0012
Lüning, S., L. Schulte, S. Garcés-Pastor, I. B. Danladi, M. Gałka (2019): The Medieval Climate Anomaly in the Mediterranean region. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34 (10): 1625-1649, doi: 10.1029/2019PA003734
Lüning, S., M. Gałka, F. Vahrenholt (2019): The Medieval Climate Anomaly in Antarctica. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 532, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109251
Laurenz, L., H.-J. Lüdecke, S. Lüning (2019): Influence of solar activity on European rainfall. J. Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 185: 29-42, doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2019.01.012
Lüning, S., F. Vahrenholt (2019): Holocene climate development of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. In: Bendaoud, A., Hamimi, Z., Hamoudi, M., Djemai, S., Zoheir, B. (Eds.), Geology of the Arab World – An overview’, Springer, 507-546, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-96794-3_14.
Lüning, S., M. Gałka, F. P. Bamonte, F. García-Rodríguez, F. Vahrenholt (2019): The Medieval Climate Anomaly in South America. Quaternary International, 508: 70-87. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2018.10.041.
Lüning, S., M. Gałka, I. B. Danladi, T. A. Adagunodo, F. Vahrenholt (2018): Hydroclimate in Africa during the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 495: 309-322, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.01.025.
Lüning, S., M. Gałka, F. Vahrenholt (2017): Warming and cooling: The Medieval Climate Anomaly in Africa and Arabia. Paleoceanography 32 (11): 1219-1235, doi: 10.1002/2017PA003237.
Lüning, S., F. Vahrenholt (2017): Paleoclimatological context and reference level of the 2°C and 1.5°C Paris Agreement long-term temperature limits. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12 December 2017, doi: 10.3389/feart.2017.00104.
Lüning, S., F. Vahrenholt (2016): “The Sun’s Role in Climate”. In: Evidence-Based Climate Science, Second Edition. Editor: Don Easterbrook; Elsevier, pp.283-306. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-804588-6.00016-1
Lüning, S., J. Kuss (2014): Petroleum Geology of Jordan. In: L. Marlow, C. Kendall and L. Yose, eds., Petroleum systems of the Tethyan region: AAPG Memoir 106, p. 217–239.
Lüning, S. (2013): Studies of the past as the key to the future? Geological and historical reconstructions provide valuable support for future trend prediction of natural disasters. Disaster Advances 6(10):1-3
Lüning, S., N. Miles, T. Pearce, E. Brooker, P. Barnard, G. Johannson, S. Schäfer (2010): Biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy and thermal maturity of the A1-NC198 exploration well in the Kufra Basin, SE Libya. In: B. A. Vining, S. C. Pickering (eds), Petroleum Geology: From Mature Basins to New Frontiers. Proceedings of the 7th Petroleum Geology Conference, Geological Society, London, 761-770.
Abd El-Naby, A. I. M., H. Ghanem, M. Boukhary, M. H. Abd El-Aal, S. Lüning, J. Kuss (2010): Sequence-stratigraphic interpretation of structurally controlled deposition: Middle Miocene Kareem Formation, southwestern Gulf of Suez, Egypt. GeoArabia 15 (3): 129-150.
Lüning, S., S. Kolonic, M. Geiger, B. Thusu, J. S. Bell, C. Craig (2009): Infracambrian hydrocarbon source rock potential and petroleum prospectivity of NW Africa. In: J. Craig, B. Thusu, A. Whitham, A. Abutarruma (eds), Global Neoproterozoic Petroleum Systems: The Emerging Potential in North Africa. Geol. Soc. London Sp. Publ. 326, 157-180.
Ghori, K. A. R., J. Craig, B. Thusu, S. Lüning, M. Geiger (2009): Global Infracambrian petroleum systems: a review. In: J. Craig, B. Thusu, A. Whitham, A. Abutarruma (eds), Global Neoproterozoic Petroleum Systems: The Emerging Potential in North Africa. Geol. Soc. London Sp. Publ. 326, 109-136.
Loydell, D. K., A. Butcher, J. Fryda, S. Lüning, M. Fowler (2009): Lower Silurian ”hot shales” in Jordan: a new depositional model. Journal of Petroleum Geology 32 (3): 261-270.
Ghnia, S., S. Lüning, M. Martin (2008): Genetic Stratigraphy of Cambro-Ordovician strata in Al Kufrah and Murzuq Basins. In: M. J. Salem, K. M. Oun & A. S. Essed (eds), The Geology of East Libya, Vol. I, p. 311-336.
Craig, J., C. Rizzi, F. Said, B. Thusu, S. Lüning, A. I. Asbali, M. L. Keeley, J. F. Bell, M. J. Durham, M. H. Eales, S. Beswetherick, C. Hamblett (2008). In: M. J. Salem, K. M. Oun & A. S. Essed (eds), Structural Styles and Prospectivity in the Precambrian and Palaeozoic Hydrocarbon Systems of North Africa. In: The Geology of East Libya, Vol. IV, p. 51-122.
Lüning, S., Fello, N. (2008): Silurian ‘Hot Shales’ in the Murzuq and Al Kufrah Basins (S Libya): Improved predictability of source rock distribution based on gamma-ray spectrometry in surface exposures. In: M. J. Salem, K. M. Oun & A. S. Essed (eds), The Geology of East Libya, Vol. IV, p. 3-12.
Lüning, S., D. K. Loydell, P. Štorch, Y. Shahin, J. Craig (2006): Origin, sequence stratigraphy, and depositional environment of an Upper Ordovician (Hirnantian) deglacial black shale, Jordan – Discussion. Palaeo3. 230: 352-355.
Fello, N., Lüning, S., Štorch, P., Redfern, J. (2006): Identification of early Llandovery (Silurian) anoxic palaeo-depressions at the western margin of the Murzuq Basin (southwest Libya), based on gamma-ray spectrometry in surface exposures. GeoArabia 11 (3): 101-118.
Lüning, S., Loydell, D. K., Štorch, P., Shahin, Y., Craig, J., (2006): Origin, sequence stratigraphy and depositional environment of an upper Ordovician (Hirnantian) deglacial black shale, Jordan – Discussion. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol. 230: 352-355.
Lüning, S., Y. M. Shahin, D. Loydell, H. T. Al-Rabi, A. Masri, B. Tarawneh, S. Kolonic (2005): Anatomy of a world-class source rock: Distribution and depositional model of Silurian organic-rich shales in Jordan and implications for hydrocarbon potential. AAPG Bull. 89: 1397-1427.
Marzouk, A. M., S. Lüning (2005): Calcareous nannofossil Biostratigraphy and distribution patterns in the Cenomanian-Turonian of North Africa. Grmena (Egypt), 1: 107-122.
Lüning, S. (2004): Phanerozoic of North Africa. In: R. C. Selley, L. R. M. Cocks, I. R. Plimer (eds), Encyclopedia of Geology, Academic Press. p. 12-25.
Lüning, S., F. Schulze, A. M. Marzouk, J. Kuss, A. Gharaibeh, S. Kolonic (2004): Uranium-enriched horizons refine stratigraphic framework in Cenomanian-Turonian organic-rich strata in central Jordan and northern Tunisia. Z. Dt. Geol. Ges. 155: 49-60.
Lüning, S., J. Wendt, Z. Belka, B. Kaufmann (2004): Temporal-spatial reconstruction of the early Frasnian anoxia in NW Africa: New field data from the Ahnet Basin (Algeria). Sedimentary Geology. 163: 237-256.
Lüning, S., S. Kolonic, E. M. Belhadj, Z. Belhadj, L. Cota, G. Baric, T. Wagner (2004): Integrated depositional model for the Cenomanian-Turonian organic-rich strata in North Africa. Earth-Science Reviews 64: 51-117.
Lüning, S., R. Archer, J. Craig, D. K. Loydell (2003): The Lower Silurian ‚Hot Shales‘ and ‚Double Hot Shales‘ in North Africa and Arabia. In: Salem, M. J., Oun, K. M., Seddiq, H. M. (eds), The Geology of Northwest Libya (Ghadamis, Jifarah, Tarabulus and Sabratah Basins), Vol. 3, 91-105, Earth Science Society of Libya, Tripoli.
Lüning, S., Adamson, K., Craig, J. (2003): Frasnian ‘Hot Shales’ in North Africa: Regional Distribution and Depositional Model. In: Arthur, T. J., Macgregor, D. S., Cameron, N. (Eds.), Petroleum Geology of Africa: New Themes and developing technologies, Geol. Soc. (London) Sp. Publ. 207: 165-184.
Lüning, S., S. Kolonic (2003): Uranium spectral gamma-ray response as a proxy for organic richness in black shales: Applicability and limitations. J. Petroleum Geology 26: 153-174.
Lüning, S., S. Kolonic, D. Loydell, J. Craig (2003): Reconstruction of the original organic richness in weathered Silurian shale outcrops (Murzuq and Kufra basins, southern Libya). GeoArabia 8: 299-308.
Seilacher, A., S. Lüning, M. A. Martin, E. Klitzsch, A. Khoja, J.Craig (2002): Ichnostratigraphic correlation of Lower Palaeozoic clastics in the Kufra Basin (SE Libya). Lethaia 35 (3): 257-262.
Craig, J., O. E. Sutcliffe, S. Lüning, D. LeHeron, R. Whittington (2002): Ice Sheets and Hot Rocks: Unravelling the glacial signature in the Late Ordovician reservoirs of North Africa. Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain Newsletter December 2002: 6-11.
Lüning, S., Craig, J., Fitches, B., Mayouf, J., Busrewil, A., El Dieb, M., Gammudi, A., Loydell, D. K. (2000d): Petroleum source and reservoir rock re-evaluation in the Kufra Basin (SE Libya, NE Chad, NW Sudan). In: M. A. Sola & D. Worsley (eds), Geological Exploration in Murzuq Basin. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 151-173.
Lüning, S., Bosence, D., Gräfe, K.-U., Luciani, V., Craig, J. (2000c): Discovery of marine Late Cretaceous carbonates and evaporites in the Kufra Basin (Libya) redefines the southern limit of the Late Cretaceous transgression. Cretaceous Research 21: 721-731.
Lüning, S., Loydell, D. K., Sutcliffe, O., Ait Salem, A., Archer, R., Zanella, E., Craig, J., Harper, D. A. T. (2000b): Silurian – lower Devonian black shales in Morocco: Where are the organically richest horizons? J. Petroleum Geology 23 (3): 293-311.
Lüning, S., Craig, J., Loydell, D. K., Storch, P., Fitches, W. R. (2000a): Lowermost Silurian ‘Hot Shales’ in North Africa and Arabia: Regional Distribution and Depositional Model. Earth Science Reviews 49: 121-200.
Kuss, J., T. Westerhold, U. Groß, J. Bauer, S. Lüning (2000): Mapping of Late Cretaceous stratigraphic sequences along a Syrian Arc uplift – Examples from the Areif el Naqa, Eastern Sinai. M.E.R.C. Ain Shams Univ., Earth Sci. Ser., 14: 171-191.
Lüning, S., Craig, J., Fitches, W. R., Gamudi, A., Mayouf, J., Busrewil, A., El Dieb, M., Loydell, D., McIlroy, D. (1999): Re-evaluation of the petroleum potential of the Kufra Basin (SE Libya, NE Chad): Does the source rock barrier fall? Marine and Petroleum Geology.
Lüning, S., Marzouk, A. M., Morsi, A. M. & Kus, J. (1998a): Sequence stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous of central-east Sinai, Egypt. Cretaceous Research 19: 153-196.
Lüning, S., Kuss, J., Bachmann, M., Marzouk, A. M. & Morsi, A. M. (1998b): Sedimentary response to basin inversion: Mid Cretaceous – Early Tertiary pre- to syndeformational deposition at the Areif El Naqa anticline (northern Sinai, Egypt). Facies 38: 103-136.
Lüning, S., Marzouk, A. M. & Kuss, J. (1998c): The Paleocene of Central East Sinai, Egypt: ‘Sequence stratigraphy’ in monotonous hemipelagites. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 28 (1): 19-39.
Lüning, S., Marzouk, A. M. & Kuss, J. (1998d): Latest Maastrichtian high frequency litho- and ecocycles from the hemipelagic of Eastern Sinai, Egypt. J. African Earth Sciences 27 (3/4): 373-395.
Marzouk, A. M. & Lüning, S. (1998): Comparative biostratigraphy of calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifera in the Paleocene of Eastern Sinai, Egypt. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 207 (1): 77-105.
Vahrenholt, F., Lüning, S. (2021): Unanfechtbar? Der Beschluss des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zum Klimaschutz im Faktencheck. Langen Müller, München (128 S.).
Vahrenholt, F., Lüning, S. (2020): Unerwünschte Wahrheiten: Was Sie über den Klimawandel wissen sollten. Langen Müller, München (398 S.).
Vahrenholt, F., Lüning, S. (2014): Zimne Słońce – Dlaczego katastrofa klimatyczna nie nadchodzi!. Wydawnictwo Aletheia (polnisch, 388 S.).
Vahrenholt, F., Lüning, S. (2013): The Neglected Sun: How the Sun Precludes Climate Catastrophe. Stacey International, London (412 S.).
Vahrenholt, F., Lüning, S. (2012): Die kalte Sonne. Hoffmann & Campe, Hamburg (448 S.).
Dokumentar- und Lehrfilme
Lüning, S. (2020): Gefährlicher Fehlalarm? Die Ausrufung des Klimanotstandes in Bremen (Video, 56 min). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIO8rMNuc80
Lüning, S., M. Watt (2009): Bottoms up and Kelly down: An Introduction to Petroleum Drilling for Non-Drillers (Video, 2 x 45 min).
Lüning, S., N. Fello, J. Craig, D. le Heron, S. Lubeseder, S. Schulz, G. Pyke, A. Dunford, Y. Abutarruma (2007): Petroleum Geology of Southern Libya (Video, 4h 30 min), Seven-Continents.com, Bremen.
Lüning, S., Geiger M. (2006): La Palma – Der schlummernde Feuerdrache (Video, 52 min). Seven-Continents.de, Bremen.
Lüning, S., Geiger, M. (2005): Naturwunder des Maghreb – Expedition durch die Erdgeschichte Marokkos (deutsch/englisch) (Video, 58 min). Seven-Continents.com, Bremen.
Lüning, S., Geiger, M. (2005): Hunting Hot Shales in Wadi Tanezzuft: Characteristics and origin of the Silurian source rock in the Libyan Sahara (Video, 35 min). Seven-Continents.com, Bremen.
Meine Antwort per email an Wolfgang Jeschke und Sebastian Luening:
Lieber Wolfgang,
meinen grossen Dank fuer diesen Beitrag von dir. Und so kam ich zur Kenntnis von Sebastian Luening und seinem Youtube-Kanal „Klimaschau“ und damit auch zu den Seiten „Kalte Sonne“ und „Klimaschau TV“.
Herr Luening ist wirklich grossartig, weil er die lange Geschichte des Erdklimas und seiner regionalen Besonderheiten beachtet, um daraus einen Blick in die Zukunft zu versuchen. Sehr sympathisch diese Besonnenheit und der weite Horizont.
In dem Corona-Wahn-Theater finden wir ja die gleiche Verengung und intellektuelle Reduktion wie in der Klima Diskussion. So steht uns ja noch einiges bevor. Aber, wir haben sehr gute Freunde. Das beruhigt mich.
mit dank und lieben gruessen, willi
Asuncion, Paraguay